Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/.sites/436/site1639099/web/schoenburn/inc/auth.php on line 78 ===== Contact us! ===== We are a small team of core organisers, who are creating Schloss Schönburn 2021 under the [[http://www.burners.at|official association of Austrian]] burners. As a core-team we are taking care of the legal framework, the overall budget, the renting agreement and that the event can take place without being a disaster. We call this style of organising [[canvas|White Origami]]. You can reach us via **email**, **facebook**, and most preferably, **Slack**: * Our general email address is schsch(at)burners.at * Our facebook account is [[https://www.facebook.com/burners.at/ |Burners.at]] * Our Slack workspace for communication and planning can be joined [[https://join.slack.com/t/schlossschoenburn/shared_invite/zt-4a09pfdt-1T9IGPzBB0kKj0ZjdPtVLw|HERE]] The following people are on the core-orga team (in alphabetical order): * @fly * @gaya * @KlausB * @Markus Nitschke * @merete * @tototo The orgas chose to be identified via their Slack-ID here in the wiki and not with real/legal names. We do our organizational work transparently on the Slack channel #coreorga.