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Photos from Burning Cafe Extended 13th August 2022

Dear Burners, here are some photos from our Burning Cafe Extended on 13th August 2022.

By Leo „Leobard“ Sauermann:

The photo policy was: You are only allowed to take a photo or video depicting a person after they gave their consent. 1. Explain the purpose of the photo or video and where you intend to publish it. 2. Wait for a clear verbal YES from all depicted people (even those in the background and who’s backsides are visible). 3. Take the photo or video. This is essential to enable everyone to express themselves radically, respect privacy, and to feel at ease at all times. Each one teach one! Report consent violations to gate and/or the organizers.

Contact if you have more photos which were taken with consent to be published on the web here. Contact if you want to withdraw your consent and a photo removed.

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